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2023 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學小一入學申請      


Primary One Admission 2023 – 2024
2023 至 2024 年度小一入學申請

Primary Admission

Admission Procedure

How to apply:

  1. Please submit your application through our P.1 Admission Online Platform (2023-2024). Please read the following steps carefully before you start your online application.
    請於本校小一入學網上申請平台 (2023-2024) 遞交申請。請先細閱以下步驟,然後開始進行有關網上申請。
  2. Application Period:
    • From 17 June 2022 (Friday) 5:00 p.m. to 30 September 2022 (Friday) 5:00 p.m.
      由 2022年6月17日 (星期五) 下午5時起 至 2022年9月30日 (星期五) 下午5時止
  3. Application Fee: HK$100.
    報名費 : 港幣 100 元
    • Payment can be transferred (cash transfer only) to our school bank account (see the details below) via ATM machines or counters at any of the branches of Hang Seng Bank. Please get the ATM Cash Transfer Slip / ATM Cash Deposit Slip / Cash Deposit Bank Slip ready, write the applicant's full name and contact number on it, and make a scanned copy (JPEG file format, also known as ".jpg file") available for your application through our online platform.
      家長可透過自動櫃員機或親身到恆生銀行任何分行入賬(只接受現金入賬)到本校銀行戶口(詳列如下) 繳交報名費用。
      請保留自動櫃員機客戶通知書(現金轉賬 / 現金入數) 或 銀行入數紙,寫上申請人之姓名及聯絡電話,並準備有關掃瞄檔案 (JPEG或".jpg"檔案格式)以便上載至網上申請系統。
      • Hang Seng Bank 恆生銀行
      • Bank Account Number: 762-003382-005
      • Bank Account Name: St. Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School
      • *ATM Cash Transfer / ATM Cash Deposit could be made at ATM Machines of Hang Seng Bank or The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC).
        家長可透過任何 恆生銀行 或 香港上海匯豐銀行 之自動櫃員機以現金轉賬 / 現金入數。
      • *Cash Deposit could be made in person at any branch of Hang Seng Bank.
      • (Any transaction through online banking or cheque deposit will not be accepted.)
        (恕不接受網上銀行轉賬 或 支票入數。)
    • Online Application without the above-mentioned transaction slip uploaded will not be accepted.
      未能提交上列現金轉賬 /入數證明文件之網上申請將不獲處理。
    • The Application Fee is non-refundable.
    • Please keep the original copy of the ATM Cash Transfer Slip / ATM Cash Deposit Slip / Cash Deposit Bank Slip for record as you may be requested to present the slip, if necessary, for our processing.
      請保留自動櫃員機客戶通知書(現金轉賬 / 現金入數) 或 銀行入數紙之正本,以便在有需要時可出示供本校參考及處理有關申請之用。
  4. You will be requested to upload a passport size portrait photo (JPEG file format, also known as ".jpg file") for your online application. So please get the photo file ready.
    請預先準備好一幅證件相 (JPEG 或 ".jpg" 檔案格式),以便上載至網上申請系統。
  5. An admission interview will be arranged. Applicants will be notified of the date, time and venue of the interview by email. (Please submit 2 stamped envelopes with home address at that time.)
  6. Applicants should submit copies of the following documents together with the application form:
    • Copies of academic records / school report cards of the previous two years;
    • Copy of Birth Certificate / Identity Card;
    • Records of extra-curricular activities, if any;
      課外活動及服務記錄 (如有);
    • Awards obtained, if any; and
      獲獎記錄 (如有);
    • Recommendation letter, if any; and
      推薦信 (如有)
  7. Notification of application results will be made in writing to parents / guardians, depending on the processing progress.


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